Davide Giachino
Davide Giachino, Master of Science in Environmental Engineering CONCORD is the European Confederation of NGOs working on sustainable development and international cooperation. We are made up of 58 member organisations representing more than 2600 NGOs and are supported by millions of citizens across Europe. We are the main interlocutor with the EU institutions on sustainable development policy and international cooperation.
Haimut Ba
Haimut Ba
Haimut Ba Haimut Ba has been a member of the Constitutional Council of Mauritania since December 20, 2018. He was previously Associate Lecturer at the University of Rouen-Normandy, Head of the Assemblies and Legal Monitoring Service of the Mixed Syndicate for Waste Disposal Arrondissement in Rouen, former President of the association “Access to Rights and Integration” in Rouen. He graduated with a postgraduate degree in public law from the University of Nice.
Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen
Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsennorhn@cc.au.dk
Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen Professor at School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus Denmark
Monika Gehde-Trapp
Prof. Dr. Monika Gehde-Trapp, Universität Hohenheim Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Risikomanagement an der Universität Hohenheim in Stuttgart.
Omar Ba, diversity consulent
Omar Ba, diversity consulentomarfranky@gmail.com
Omar Ba Project Coordinator Bindusworks at Bindus vzw, Antwerp Belgium Diversity & inclusion consultant