Team members
Cinzia Brentari
is Opportunties project manager. She has an education in law and criminology and is an experienced project and programme manager for the social and health sector. She has worked for charities, foundations and universities in different EU Member States on coordinating research, advocacy and networking work and events.
Stefano Trovato
is member of the Board of CNCA, in charge of thematic work on migration. He will involve CNCA organisations working with migrants in Opportunities initiatives and activities.
Riccardo Poli
is CNCA director. Together with Hassan Bassi, deputy director, provides support to the management of the project and links between the European work and national work at CNCA.
CNCA ‐ Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza is an association established in the ‘80, bringing together about 260 Third‐Sector organisations all over Italy.
CNCA is active in all fields of disadvantage and marginalisation where it promotes citizens’ rights and social well‐being. It channels the views of member organisations to advocate for just local and national social and economic policies and to exchange on the organisation of social services.
“Welcoming communities” are the guiding principle: able to provide support and solidarity to everybody, in particular disadvantaged people. To this end, CNCA promotes campaigns, events and public statements. It implements innovative projects to promote the dissemination of good practices of intervention.