Team members
Clemens Sedmak
Professor of Social Ethics at the University of Notre Dame, USA (Indiana) and chairman of the scientific advisory board of ifz. He contributes to the theoretical framework for the CrossTalks.
Elisabeth Buchner
MA MSSc, Political Sciences and Sociology. She mainly contributes to develop a method for the CrossTalks field.
Dr. Birgit Bahtic-Kunrath
E.MA, political science. She works mainly on the theoretical framework for OPPORTUNITIES and the analysis and survey of narratives on migration in Austria.
Mona Röhm
MA, Social- and Cultural Anthropology, Research Assistant and PhD Fellow at the University of Salzburg and research fellow at IFZ. She is responsible for developing a method for the CrossTalks and carrying out he empirical work with migrants in Austria.
Fatemeh Rezaee
MA, Educational Management. She works in the empirical field of the CrossTalks and connects with migrants in Austria.
The IFZ (international research centre for social ethics) is a not‐for‐profit research institute in Salzburg, Austria, with focus on ethical questions and the topic „how to provide a good life for everybody“.
The research work is application- oriented, interdisciplinary and dealing with socially relevant issues. Both qualitative participatory methods and empowerment of (higly vulnerable) people are core elements of many projects.
The IFZ maintains close ties to a large network of civil society organizations and policy makers that deal with social questons in the province of Salzburg and beyond. The IZF is an institution of the Archdiocese of Salzburg.