A deepened perspective on migration


A deepened perspective on narratives The third speed-up meeting of OPPORTUNITIES

A deepened perspective on narratives

The September meeting of OPPORTUNITIES produced new insights on the use of narratives and on Europeans' attitudes toward migration.

In the coming weeks, these papers will be published on this website. A newsletter will announce the publication date.

The first paper is about the different types of migration narratives and focuses on the hybrid type. This narrative uses life stories from migrants with a specific goal to rease the empathy for the case of the migrant.


The vicarious storytelling helps create an honest story about migration. Several types are distinguished: the ambassadorial storytelling, the documentary storytelling, and the allied storytelling. 

Another paper is about narrative maps, the perspective on migration from an African perspective.


Using different sources, poems, proverbs, fiction and non-fiction, a better understanding of the narrative frames used in several African countries is possible.

We discussed also the final paper on the attitudes of Europeans towards migration. This final paper goes deeper into the evolution of the attitudes of Europeans and of European countries. The main conclusion is that this attitude depends on the trustfullness of the governments. 

After the meeting a General Assembly was held. The next meeting of OPPORTUNITIES was the main point next the conclusions of the review of the first year of OPPORTUNITIES.

More about the papers in the next newsletters